MuseItUp Bookstore

MuseItUp Bookstore
The place to find quality novels and short stories in a variety of genres.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day! Comment to win a copy of THE BURNING SEAL, Paranormal Romantic Suspense ebook!

Happy Mother's Day! I hope all of you busy mom's out there treat yourself to downtime. Enjoy your time with family or if you simply choose a quiet place to relax alone. Maybe watch a movie, workout (only if it's what you want to do!), take a nap, or read a good book.

Personally, I will spend time with my beautiful girls and my family (mom included!). I plan on treating myself to a new book or two since buying books is one thing I absolutely love to do! Which explains why my "to be read" shelves are numerous. I can't help it I'm a book collector but not the rare, way out of my financial realm type, but a "hunter and gatherer" of authors in my networks and my long-time favorite authors. I use the term "hunter and gatherer" because I've recently joined Triberr and have this crazy desire to strap on a grass skirt and drink out of a coconut. I also see book hunting as a quest of sorts. One I enjoy immensely!

I'd like to give away a copy of my paranormal romantic suspense, The Burning Seal, (e-book) to a random commenter. So please leave a comment for a chance to win a download of my book! Be sure to leave your email along with your comment so I can contact you if you're the winner.

Okay everyone have a wonderful Sunday and if you're a mom then have a wonderful Mother's Day too! Take a moment to realize all the positives in your life and know I'm wishing you many more.

Leave a comment with your email address to enter drawing:


  1. Happy Mom's Day, Jenna. I plan to troll the net a bit more, then go read. ;-)


  2. Thanks Rochelle! Enjoy surfing and reading :)

  3. I hope you find many enjoyable books! I will be with my boys and my yorkie. Playing and cleaning house.

  4. That sounds fun Heather...the playing part! My parents have a yorkie, she's adorable. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Thanks for stopping by! I have emailed the winners. Heather and Rochelle!
