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Friday, April 11, 2014

Coventina, Goddess of Springs and Wells

Welcome to MFRW's Spring Fever blog hop!

Normally, spring brings to my mind images of pretty colored Easter eggs, white daisies, and nature's revival. Lately, I've been busy writing a paranormal with a heroine who's an Adept witch, descended from Celts. (Book Two in my series)

While researching Celtic myth and magic, I came across Coventina, goddess of wells and springs, associated with abundance, rebirth and divination. She's depicted as a water nymph, naked and reclining on a leaf surrounded by rippling water or in triple form, holding a vessel and pouring water.

The Celts saw springs as magical places alive with water deities and nymphs. A place of magic and mystery. Offerings, as in coins, brooches, rings and pottery were made to the goddess in exchange for wishes, to enhance powers or make restitution.

Now, spring brings to mind bubbling brooks, water nymphs, moss covered rocks and magic.
What do you envision when you think of spring?

Please leave a comment and include your email if you'd like the chance to win a digital copy of The Burning Seal, Book One in my paranormal series. Two random visitors will be chosen. 

Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy the blog hop!


  1. I like the flowers in Spring although we have them year round in Florida. These can be some of our best days with low humidity and temps in the seventies.

  2. Great post Jenna, being Welsh I love Celtic myths and legends. I love the flowers of spring and the golden sun in the late afternoon and evening.

  3. flowers and fairy's is what I think of for spring.

  4. sorry for got my e-mail again this is the second time on this hop
    sasluvbooks at yahoo dot com

  5. Don't ask me why, but my brain (ever the opportunist) began plotting how to find the spot where the Celts offered up their jewels to the goddess. Now that would be a gold mine! Good luck with your books!

  6. Thanks for the comments. I'm going to post winners tomorrow! (I'll still send email to find out what format for ebook)

  7. Hi there! I wanted to let you know the two randomly selected winners of The Burning Seal digital copy are: Stacey Smith and Penny! I already sent emails asking which digital format to send. Feel free to comment via email or right here on my blog. Thanks again for visiting. :)
